Газрын зураг дээр үзэх

Байгуулсан он: 1992

Нийт оюутан: 47 500 / Гадаад оюутан: 4 362

Тэнхим, багш нарын бүлэг: 33

Тэнхим, багш нарын бүлэг: 7 000

Профессор482 Туслах профессор893 Шинжлэх ухааны доктор739 Аспирантур1 791 Гадаад багш120

Боломжит гадаад оюутанд зориулсан боловсролын гол хөтөлбөр: 327

Бакалаврын хөтөлбөр86 Магистрын хөтөлбөр185 Специалитетийн хөтөлбөр1 Хамгийн өндөр мэргэшсэн боловсон хүчин бэлтгэх55

Боломжит элсэгч гадаад оюутанд зориулсан нэмэлт боловсролын хөтөлбөр: 10

Их сургуулийн өмнөх сургалтын хөтөлбөр 6 Гадаад хэл- Орос хэл 4

The Higher School of Economics is a national research university located in Moscow with branches in St. Petersburg, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod. HSE offers a wide range of educational programmes from Bachelor's and Master's Programmes to MBA, DBA and vocational professional education.

The fundamental nature of the education provided at HSE and the opportunity to take part in academic projects and research alongside with distinguished academics from Russia and around the world enables HSE graduates to achieve professional success even from their first year of studies.

The Higher School of Economics was the first Russian state university to hire foreign lecturers. Today over 100 lecturers from 25 countries work at the university.

HSE students regularly complete internships at leading international companies. The school's Career Development Centre provides career advice and support, while every year the business incubator holds a competition for start-ups, one of the largest in Russia.

Хуваалцана уу