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Specialists in the field of chemical analysis and chemical expertise are in demand in the laboratories of industrial enterprises, research institutes, departmental laboratories, including laboratories of law enforcement agencies. The choice of disciplines of the mandatory part and part of the program formed by the participants of educational relations was carried out on the basis of a competence-based approach. The formation of professional competencies is due to both the content of the disciplines and the teaching methods used. Graduates of the Master's program can continue their professional career in science, as well as conduct teaching activities at FEFU and other higher educational institutions. The uniqueness of the program consists in the training of highly qualified specialists who possess the most modern methods of analysis and are adapted to work in accredited laboratories, who have practically mastered the quality management system of testing laboratories. The competencies of the graduates of the program are in high demand in testing, expert, forensic, environmental, diagnostic laboratories and at any chemical technological enterprises.

Key disciplines of the program:

Chromatographic methods of analysis; Modern spectroscopic methods of analysis; Chemical examination of the object; Accreditation of testing analytical laboratories; Assessment of chemical safety of enterprises; Analytical toxicology with the basics of criminology; Environmental management and audit.

Partners involved in the implementation of the program:

Far Eastern Geological Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (DVGI FEB RAS); FSBI Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after G.B. Elyakov of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (TIBOH FEB RAS).