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Graduates of this field have the following qualifications:

·         readiness to work with information for the preparation of decisions of public authorities management of local self-government

·         readiness to collect and process information for practical purposes institutions of science and culture, state and public organizations, corporations, funds, mass media, analytical centers

·         cultural and educational activities:

·         proficiency in the spreading of information via the mass media, history and culture, ethno-national traditions, popularization of anthropological and ethnological knowledge

·         willingness to participate in projects aimed at countering xenophobia and extremism,

·         protection of the rights of national minorities, preservation of cultural heritage

·         ability to implement such tasks as fostering respect for the history and traditions of peoples, adherence to democratic principles, tolerance, and rejection of xenophobia and extremism in the teaching process.

·         allowing the graduate to successfully find a job in expert and analytical centers, organizations and scientific institutions; public authorities and management, power structures; educational and scientific institutions; cultural institutions; editorial offices of scientific and socio-political publications; mass media; public and commercial organizations.

          Giving the opportunity to continue education in master's degree in any Humanities field.

·         Opening up prospects for active research activities on topics of interest.
