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International Students Testimonials

Advantages of studying in Russia for foreign nationals

Govind Siddharth Madhav, India

National Research Tomsk State University

Tomsk is the student capital of Siberia, students from different countries are study here

My name is Govind Siddharth Madhav. I'm from India and I am a graduate student at the Faculty of Informatics at Tomsk State University. Honestly, I have never thought I would come to Siberia to study, would ever know how it feels to live in such a cold place and still feel great. I applied for a scholarship to study at one of the Russian universities. Before that I went on line, found some of the best universities in Russia and scoured the Internet looking for more in depth information about those universities. Everyone knows that Google is our God. I also talked to professors in India. I read a lot about the culture of Siberia, the beauty of its nature. I was very impressed by what I read.

My research led me to realize that TSU is of the most respected Russian universities in India. It has glorious past, and nowadays TSU is evolving rapidly. Moreover, many people know that Tomsk is a college town and students from different countries have a great chance to meet each other and learn about each other’s countries. These days I'm studying a lot. Of course I'm still in the process of learning Russian but professors here help me a lot and always find time for me. Also my ex-tutors are now my friends. I treasure every moment I spend with my new friends here. It is always interesting and special for me. There is only one thing that disappointed me here: I was told that in Siberia I would easily see a wild bear strolling down the streets of the city. But guys, I haven't even seen a single mouse running around Tomsk!



Martina Albi
"My favorite subject is Russian language. I think it is very beautiful"
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Allan Viana Camarа
"Father suggested me to go to Russia for medical studies"
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Mohammed Ali Ahya Ali
"I think that the Russian people are similar in character to Yemenis"
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Max Domas
"I feel that the teachers really care about my progress in studying"
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Ariadna Llopis Almarcha
"The people living in Russia are as friendly as in Spain"
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Al Alawin Hamdi
"I had internship at an operating nuclear power plant"
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Osinkolu Moriselade Omosalewa
"Studying abroad  really opens my mind"
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Nadiah Natasya Binti Zulkurnai
"I was very impressed with the university labs equipment"
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